Aaniiih Nakoda College, MT

Public 2-Year • Very Small Tribal College and University Open Admissions Main Campus
Harlem, MT 59526

Aaniiih Nakoda College Rankings

1 ← Poor Great → 100


Academics at Aaniiih Nakoda College

- Bachelor’s
73% Associate’s
27% Certificate
Assoc Highest Degree

Share of Graduates by Field of Study

Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender Studies5%
Business, Management, Marketing24%
Computer and Information Sciences5%
Construction Trades19%
Health Professions and Related Programs24%
Natural Resources and Conservation2%
Precision Production10%
Public Administration and Social Service5%


Getting into Aaniiih Nakoda College

- Admission Rate
- Median SAT Math
- Median SAT Reading
- Median ACT Composite

Typical Test Scores


Cost of Attending Aaniiih Nakoda College

$2K In-State Tuition
$2K Out-of-State Tuition
$12K Average Total Cost
$5K Average Net Cost

Average Net Price by Family Income

Family Income School MT US
$0–$30K $5K $10K $14K
$30K–$48K $5K $11K $15K
$48K–$75K $9K $13K $17K
$75K–$110K $10K $15K $19K


Typical Debt after Aaniiih Nakoda College

- Receive Federal Loans
- Median Federal Debt
- Repayment Rate
- Median Payment

Received Financial Aid

Family Income School MT US
$0–$30K 73% 53% 57%
$30K–$48K 11% 16% 16%

Student Debt

Category School MT US

Repayment Rates

Period School MT US


Completion Rates at Aaniiih Nakoda College

34% Retention Rate
3% Transfer Rate
31% Withdrawal Rate
30% Graduation Rate

Graduation Rates by Time Taken

Time Taken School MT US
Within 4 Years 32% 30% 38%
Within 6 Years 30% 45% 55%
Within 8 Years 43% 47% 56%

Graduation Rates by Ethnicity

Ethnicity and Nativity School MT US
Hispanic or Latino 100% 44% 47%
Native American or Alaskan Native 33% 34% 40%


Outcomes after Aaniiih Nakoda College

70% Employment Rate
$14K Median Salary
- 25 Pctl Salary
- 75 Pctl Salary

Employment over Time

Period School MT US
Employed 6 years after enrollment 70% 83% 85%
Employed 7 years after enrollment 77% 83% 84%
Employed 8 years after enrollment 71% 81% 84%
Employed 9 years after enrollment 76% 81% 83%
Employed 10 years after enrollment 74% 80% 83%

Distribution of Earnings after Graduation

Percentile School MT US
50th percentile of earnings $14K $25K $29K

Median Earnings over Time

Period School MT US
Earnings 6 years after enrollment $14K $25K $29K
Earnings 8 years after enrollment $17K $27K $32K
Earnings 10 years after enrollment $20K $31K $35K


Students at Aaniiih Nakoda College

113 Undergraduates
72% Full-time Undergrads
24 Avg Entry Age
- Graduate Students

Enrollment by Gender

Gender School MT US
Female degree-seeking undergraduates 57% 65% 64%
Male degree-seeking undergraduates 43% 32% 35%

Enrollment by Race and Nativity

Race and Nativity School MT US
Caucasian 11% 63% 49%
Hispanic or Latino 1% 3% 18%
Native American or Alaskan Native 88% 23% 1%

Enrollment by Family Income

Family Income School MT US
$0–$30K 52% 36% 43%

Location Map

Nearby Colleges

Colleges near Aaniiih Nakoda College, MT

Stone Child College
53 miles, W
University of Providence
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