Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

#22. Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

Aaron School, NY

Student enrollment: 169 Full-time teachers: 68 Student-teacher ratio: 2

#23. Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

Aba Academy, FL

Student enrollment: 18 Full-time teachers: 18 Student-teacher ratio: 1

#25. Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

Abacus School of Austin, TX

Student enrollment: 16 Full-time teachers: 2 Student-teacher ratio: 8

#27. Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

Abbeville Christian Academy, AL

Student enrollment: 215 Full-time teachers: 18 Student-teacher ratio: 12 College entry rate: 25%

#29. Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

Abc Academy, IL

Student enrollment: 4 Full-time teachers: 1 Student-teacher ratio: 4

#30. Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

Abc Childcare Center, CA

Student enrollment: 54 Full-time teachers: 6 Student-teacher ratio: 9

#32. Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

Abcd Daycare Center, ID

Student enrollment: 17 Full-time teachers: 2 Student-teacher ratio: 8

#35. Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

Abc Learning Prep, FL

Student enrollment: 5 Full-time teachers: 1 Student-teacher ratio: 5

#36. Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

Abc Little School, CA

Student enrollment: 17 Full-time teachers: 1 Student-teacher ratio: 17

#37. Schools near ZIP Code 52746, IA

ABC Little School, CA

Student enrollment: 13 Full-time teachers: 1 Student-teacher ratio: 13

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Distance from ZIP Code

Number of Students (K-12)

Students Per Teacher (K-12)

Percentage of Low-Income Students

Math and Reading Proficiency (Avail. for public schools only)

Graduation Rate (%) (Avail. for public high schools only)

College Entry Rate (%) (Avail. for private high schools only)