The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

#1. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Suburban Heights, Gainesville, FL

Population: 9,089 Median Age: 47 Family-Households: 60% Median Household Income: $71,838 Average Commute (mi.): 21 Median Home Value: $222,664 Median Monthly Rent: $752 Renter-Occupied: 21%

#2. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Capri, Gainesville, FL

Population: 3,471 Median Age: 40 Family-Households: 70% Median Household Income: $65,543 Average Commute (mi.): 24 Median Home Value: $193,900 Median Monthly Rent: $845 Renter-Occupied: 39%

#3. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Westmoreland, Gainesville, FL

Population: 4,598 Median Age: 41 Family-Households: 65% Median Household Income: $77,776 Average Commute (mi.): 22 Median Home Value: $234,903 Median Monthly Rent: $451 Renter-Occupied: 18%

#4. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Spring Tree, Gainesville, FL

Population: 5,751 Median Age: 41 Family-Households: 57% Median Household Income: $62,800 Average Commute (mi.): 25 Median Home Value: $171,807 Median Monthly Rent: $839 Renter-Occupied: 23%

#5. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

University Park, Gainesville, FL

Population: 24,466 Median Age: 25 Family-Households: 32% Median Household Income: $24,668 Average Commute (mi.): 18 Median Home Value: $94,521 Median Monthly Rent: $648 Renter-Occupied: 56%

#6. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

North Lincoln Heights, Gainesville, FL

Population: 6,710 Median Age: 39 Family-Households: 51% Median Household Income: $33,334 Average Commute (mi.): 23 Median Home Value: $87,120 Median Monthly Rent: $581 Renter-Occupied: 42%

#7. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Hazel Heights, Gainesville, FL

Population: 7,743 Median Age: 37 Family-Households: 50% Median Household Income: $67,977 Average Commute (mi.): 19 Median Home Value: $150,585 Median Monthly Rent: $1,062 Renter-Occupied: 39%

#8. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Forest Ridge, Gainesville, FL

Population: 4,467 Median Age: 43 Family-Households: 61% Median Household Income: $79,357 Average Commute (mi.): 19 Median Home Value: $243,059 Median Monthly Rent: $436 Renter-Occupied: 15%

#9. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Duckpond, Gainesville, FL

Population: 6,990 Median Age: 32 Family-Households: 34% Median Household Income: $42,944 Average Commute (mi.): 16 Median Home Value: $190,981 Median Monthly Rent: $710 Renter-Occupied: 55%

#10. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Black Acres, Gainesville, FL

Population: 1,333 Median Age: 25 Family-Households: 41% Median Household Income: $38,631 Average Commute (mi.): 19 Median Home Value: $303,600 Median Monthly Rent: $1,873 Renter-Occupied: 43%

#11. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Kirkwood, Gainesville, FL

Population: 5,956 Median Age: 26 Family-Households: 33% Median Household Income: $25,748 Average Commute (mi.): 20 Median Home Value: $284,310 Median Monthly Rent: $789 Renter-Occupied: 67%

#12. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Sugar Foot, Gainesville, FL

Population: 2,550 Median Age: 27 Family-Households: 41% Median Household Income: $32,293 Average Commute (mi.): 20 Median Home Value: $201,308 Median Monthly Rent: $1,087 Renter-Occupied: 43%

#13. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Stephen Foster, Gainesville, FL

Population: 2,319 Median Age: 34 Family-Households: 45% Median Household Income: $39,829 Average Commute (mi.): 20 Median Home Value: $99,259 Median Monthly Rent: $730 Renter-Occupied: 36%

#14. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Highland Court Manor, Gainesville, FL

Population: 4,296 Median Age: 29 Family-Households: 58% Median Household Income: $29,849 Average Commute (mi.): 21 Median Home Value: $95,537 Median Monthly Rent: $740 Renter-Occupied: 31%

#15. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Oakview, Gainesville, FL

Population: 5,139 Median Age: 30 Family-Households: 33% Median Household Income: $40,631 Average Commute (mi.): 18 Median Home Value: $155,953 Median Monthly Rent: $762 Renter-Occupied: 63%

#16. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Pleasent street, Gainesville, FL

Population: 5,066 Median Age: 26 Family-Households: 21% Median Household Income: $29,019 Average Commute (mi.): 16 Median Home Value: $159,871 Median Monthly Rent: $730 Renter-Occupied: 65%

#17. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Porters Community, Gainesville, FL

Population: 2,701 Median Age: 26 Family-Households: 14% Median Household Income: $16,257 Average Commute (mi.): 19 Median Home Value: $137,537 Median Monthly Rent: $850 Renter-Occupied: 62%

#18. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Fifth Avenue, Gainesville, FL

Population: 8,946 Median Age: 28 Family-Households: 22% Median Household Income: $28,003 Average Commute (mi.): 16 Median Home Value: $168,377 Median Monthly Rent: $792 Renter-Occupied: 60%

#19. The Safest Neighborhoods in the Gainesville Metro Area, FL

Pinepark, Gainesville, FL

Population: 4,040 Median Age: 30 Family-Households: 42% Median Household Income: $37,387 Average Commute (mi.): 20 Median Home Value: $115,450 Median Monthly Rent: $708 Renter-Occupied: 55%

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Built 2000 or Later (%)

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