Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

#1. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Northside, Iowa City, IA

Population: 16,687 Median Age: 28 Family-Households: 40% Median Household Income: $53,265 Average Commute (mi.): 17 Median Home Value: $389,274 Median Monthly Rent: $778 Renter-Occupied: 45%

#2. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

College Green, Iowa City, IA

Population: 17,414 Median Age: 26 Family-Households: 23% Median Household Income: $35,349 Average Commute (mi.): 17 Median Home Value: $335,618 Median Monthly Rent: $800 Renter-Occupied: 64%

#3. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Shimek, Iowa City, IA

Population: 7,355 Median Age: 35 Family-Households: 62% Median Household Income: $87,265 Average Commute (mi.): 18 Median Home Value: $260,850 Median Monthly Rent: $498 Renter-Occupied: 19%

#4. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Melrose, Iowa City, IA

Population: 7,165 Median Age: 23 Family-Households: 26% Median Household Income: $38,787 Average Commute (mi.): 18 Median Home Value: $341,272 Median Monthly Rent: $875 Renter-Occupied: 70%

#5. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Morningslde-Glendale, Iowa City, IA

Population: 13,349 Median Age: 40 Family-Households: 54% Median Household Income: $75,630 Average Commute (mi.): 18 Median Home Value: $227,001 Median Monthly Rent: $623 Renter-Occupied: 28%

#6. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Washington Hills, Iowa City, IA

Population: 14,851 Median Age: 42 Family-Households: 60% Median Household Income: $82,387 Average Commute (mi.): 18 Median Home Value: $237,224 Median Monthly Rent: $704 Renter-Occupied: 22%

#7. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Creekside, Iowa City, IA

Population: 6,243 Median Age: 39 Family-Households: 52% Median Household Income: $67,249 Average Commute (mi.): 19 Median Home Value: $205,232 Median Monthly Rent: $990 Renter-Occupied: 29%

#8. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Longfellow, Iowa City, IA

Population: 10,793 Median Age: 31 Family-Households: 33% Median Household Income: $43,840 Average Commute (mi.): 19 Median Home Value: $143,500 Median Monthly Rent: $907 Renter-Occupied: 50%

#9. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Grant Wood, Iowa City, IA

Population: 10,666 Median Age: 31 Family-Households: 57% Median Household Income: $50,663 Average Commute (mi.): 20 Median Home Value: $148,904 Median Monthly Rent: $864 Renter-Occupied: 39%

#10. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Lucas Farms, Iowa City, IA

Population: 10,041 Median Age: 34 Family-Households: 54% Median Household Income: $54,271 Average Commute (mi.): 20 Median Home Value: $180,944 Median Monthly Rent: $839 Renter-Occupied: 38%

#11. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Eastside, Iowa City, IA

Population: 13,635 Median Age: 43 Family-Households: 57% Median Household Income: $68,551 Average Commute (mi.): 21 Median Home Value: $208,830 Median Monthly Rent: $821 Renter-Occupied: 26%

#12. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Pepperwood, Iowa City, IA

Population: 4,448 Median Age: 29 Family-Households: 67% Median Household Income: $54,118 Average Commute (mi.): 22 Median Home Value: $189,514 Median Monthly Rent: $743 Renter-Occupied: 44%

#13. Neighborhoods with the Best Commute in Johnson County, IA

Wetherby, Iowa City, IA

Population: 5,499 Median Age: 29 Family-Households: 65% Median Household Income: $53,012 Average Commute (mi.): 22 Median Home Value: $184,618 Median Monthly Rent: $832 Renter-Occupied: 42%

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Below Poverty (%)

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Lived Here Last Year (%)

Median Home Value ($)

Built 2000 or Later (%)

Median Monthly Rent ($)

Renter-Occupied (%)




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