The Safest Neighborhoods in Yakima County, WA

#1. The Safest Neighborhoods in Yakima County, WA

Gleed, Gleed, WA

Population: 9,601 Median Age: 42 Family-Households: 80% Median Household Income: $72,201 Average Commute (mi.): 20 Median Home Value: $239,185 Median Monthly Rent: $675 Renter-Occupied: 17%

#2. The Safest Neighborhoods in Yakima County, WA

Summitview, Summitview, WA

Population: 8,047 Median Age: 46 Family-Households: 73% Median Household Income: $82,778 Average Commute (mi.): 23 Median Home Value: $299,858 Median Monthly Rent: $458 Renter-Occupied: 16%

#3. The Safest Neighborhoods in Yakima County, WA

West Valley, Yakima Metro Area Metro Area, WA

Population: 18,287 Median Age: 44 Family-Households: 73% Median Household Income: $75,546 Average Commute (mi.): 22 Median Home Value: $241,655 Median Monthly Rent: $750 Renter-Occupied: 17%

#4. The Safest Neighborhoods in Yakima County, WA

Ahtanum, Ahtanum, WA

Population: 18,863 Median Age: 41 Family-Households: 71% Median Household Income: $67,850 Average Commute (mi.): 22 Median Home Value: $232,424 Median Monthly Rent: $797 Renter-Occupied: 26%

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Distance from ZIP Code

Resident Population

Median Age

College-Educated (%)

Family Households (%)

Median Household Income ($)

Below Poverty (%)

Average Commute (miles)

Lived Here Last Year (%)

Median Home Value ($)

Built 2000 or Later (%)

Median Monthly Rent ($)

Renter-Occupied (%)




Public Transit


Public Safety



