Culver-Stockton College, MO

Private Nonprofit4-Year • Small • Highly ResidentialBaccalaureate CollegeNot Selective • Low Transfer-InAffiliated with the Disciples of Christ ChurchMain Campus
One College Hill, Canton, MO 63435
(573) 288-6000

Culver-Stockton College Rankings

1 ← Poor Great → 100


Academics at Culver-Stockton College

GradHighest Degree

Share of Graduates by Field of Study

Biological and Biomedical Sciences4%
Business, Management, Marketing22%
Communication, Journalism7%
English Language and Literature1%
Health Professions and Related Programs12%
Law Enforcement, Firefighting14%
Legal Professions and Studies3%
Liberal Arts and Sciences, Humanities2%
Mathematics and Statistics<1%
Parks, Recreation, Fitness Studies8%
Social Sciences2%
Visual and Performing Arts2%


Getting into Culver-Stockton College

46%Admission Rate
520Median SAT Math
525Median SAT Reading
21Median ACT Composite

Typical Test Scores

SAT Math (25–75%)470–570
200 800
SAT Reading (25–75%)480–570
200 800
ACT Composite (25–75%)18–23
1 36


Cost of Attending Culver-Stockton College

$27KIn-State Tuition
$27KOut-of-State Tuition
$39KAverage Total Cost
$20KAverage Net Cost

Average Net Price by Family Income

Family IncomeSchoolMOUS


Typical Debt after Culver-Stockton College

72%Receive Federal Loans
$14KMedian Federal Debt
53%Repayment Rate
$270Median Payment

Received Financial Aid

Family IncomeSchoolMOUS
$0–$30K 30%54%57%
$30K–$48K 15%16%16%
$48K–$75K 18%15%12%
$75K–$110K 19%11%9%
>$110K 18%11%11%

Student Debt

The median debt for family income between $0–$30K$14K$11K$11K
The median debt for family income between $30K–$75K$14K$12K$12K
The median debt for students with family income >$75K$13K$11K$12K
The median debt for Pell students$16K$12K$12K
The median debt for no-Pell students$12K$10K$11K
Cumulative loan debt at the 90th percentile$38K$26K$25K
Cumulative loan debt at the 75th percentile$27K$18K$18K
Cumulative loan debt at the 25th percentile$6K$6K$6K
Cumulative loan debt at the 10th percentile$4K$3K$3K

Repayment Rates

1-year after entering repayment 45%43%43%
3-years after entering repayment 53%48%46%
5-years after entering repayment 61%52%50%
7-years after entering repayment 70%56%55%


Completion Rates at Culver-Stockton College

67%Retention Rate
24%Transfer Rate
17%Withdrawal Rate
49%Graduation Rate

Graduation Rates by Time Taken

Time TakenSchoolMOUS
Within 4 Years 40%45%38%
Within 6 Years 49%57%55%
Within 8 Years 49%57%56%

Graduation Rates by Ethnicity

Ethnicity and NativitySchoolMOUS
Black 36%36%39%
Caucasian 57%54%52%
Hispanic or Latino 38%50%47%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 100%35%43%
Non-US citizens/residents 33%57%50%
Two or more races 10%42%44%


Outcomes after Culver-Stockton College

94%Employment Rate
$32KMedian Salary
$23K25 Pctl Salary
$42K75 Pctl Salary

Employment over Time

Employed 6 years after enrollment 94%88%85%
Employed 7 years after enrollment 94%86%84%
Employed 8 years after enrollment 94%86%84%
Employed 9 years after enrollment 94%85%83%
Employed 10 years after enrollment 94%85%83%

Distribution of Earnings after Graduation

10th percentile of earnings$12K$8K$7K
25th percentile of earnings$23K$19K$17K
50th percentile of earnings$32K$30K$29K
75th percentile of earnings$42K$44K$43K
90th percentile of earnings$51K$56K$57K

Median Earnings over Time

Earnings 6 years after enrollment$32K$30K$29K
Earnings 8 years after enrollment$32K$33K$32K
Earnings 10 years after enrollment$37K$36K$35K


Students at Culver-Stockton College

87%Full-time Undergrads
20Avg Entry Age
46Graduate Students

Enrollment by Gender

Female degree-seeking undergraduates 49%69%64%
Male degree-seeking undergraduates 51%30%35%

Enrollment by Race and Nativity

Race and NativitySchoolMOUS
Asian 1%2%4%
Black 13%15%18%
Caucasian 72%71%49%
Hispanic or Latino 5%4%18%
Native American or Alaskan Native 1%<1%1%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander <1%<1%<1%
Non-US citizens/residents 5%1%2%
Two or more races 3%2%3%
Other race <1%2%4%

Enrollment by Family Income

Family IncomeSchoolMOUS
$0–$30K 27%38%43%
$48K–$75K 24%18%16%

Location Map

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